Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26 - Not Angry but Crazy Birds !

The crows in Malawi are huge and they are the size of a big chicken. All of them have some white feathers in spite of dominant black colour. They would be useful in Hitchcock "Birds" remake :))
In the morning when these big crows walk on the roof they sound like small children or Hobbits walking on the roof. The first time I heard them I though that three was a big rat in the ceiling. Now I am glad there were only crows. Surprisingly, in spite of their size, they are afraid of people. All these photos I had to take using zoom through the window and hiding behind the curtain.

Vrane u Malawiju su ogromne i velicine su povece kokosi. Osim toga imaju i bijelo perje, iako je crno dominantno. Bile bi veoma korisne za novu verziju Hitchcockovog filma "Ptice".
Kada sam prvi put cuo ove vrane da hodaju na krovu zvucale su kao da mala djeca ili Hobiti hodaju po krovu. Mislio sam da smo imali velikog stakora ispod izolacije krova. Bio sam sretan da su to bile samo vrane. Iznenadjujuce je da usprkos velicini ove se vrane boje ljudi. Sve slike sam morao slikati kroz prozor sa zoomom sakrivajuci se iza zavjese da ih ne preplasim. 

Should I cook or should I eat raw food today?

Let's explore the area.
Here is a nice big garbage can for a big bird like me.

Let's check out what is on the menu today.

Not a bad selection at this place.

Time to go. Check please.
Happy couple on the roof.

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