Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crocodile farm

After Livingstonia beach we went to the crocodile farm in the neighbourhood. The farm has been open for nine years and it has around 300,000 crcodiles. And it is not a zoo. When crocodiles rach age 5 to 6 years, they are used for their skin and meat.
I have not tried the meat and I wanted it. One kilogram of meat costs $2.5. We could not buy the meat beacuse we did not have any fridge and we were going back to the hotel in Lilongwe. I read before that meat tasted like a chicken.On the farm I found out that crocodile meat taste depended on what they are fed: chicken or fish. Hence, meat tastes like chicken or fish and tail is the best part of the crocodile. We heard that Malawians usually do not eat crocodle meat due to cultural reasons and not because of its price.

Poslije Livingstonia plaze isli smo na farmu krokodila koja se je nalazila u okolici. Farma je otvorena vec 9 godna i ima oko 300,000 krokodila. Farma nije zooloski vrt nego se krokodili koriste za kozu i meso kada napune 5-6 godina.
Htio sam kusati krokodilsko meso, ali nisu imali restaurant u sklopu fame. Cijena jednog kilograma mesa je bila 2 i po dolara. Nismo imali frizidercic, a i isli smo nazad u hotel u Lilongwe. Negdje sam procitao da meso ima okus piletine. Na farmi sam saznao da okus ovisi cime hrane krokodile; stoga krokodisko meso ima okus piletine ili ribe. Rep je najbolji dio krokodila jer je vjerovatno najmeksi. Saznali smo takodjer da ljudi u Malawiju ne vole krokodilsko meso zbog kulturoloskih razloga, a ne zbog cijene.

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