Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vwaza National Park - Elephants (Floor's photos)

Herd of upwards of thirty or forty elephants make frequent excursions out of the bush to use the river for drinking and bathing. When the water level is low, elephants make holes in the sandy river bed with their trunks until water filters through the silt. Although generally presenting no real threat it has to be appreciated that it is not very wise to position a vehicle in the path of a six ton male elephant. Forward facing ears is not and encouraging sign.
Just when we were leaving Vwaza National Park there was young male elephant who came from the tall bushes. We almost cross his path. Joe had to reverse his Land Cruiser.  Elephant was flapping his ears and making a sound. He did three steps forward. Floor and Anouk screamed in the front seat. Afterwards suddenly the elephant decided to step back and go in the opposite direction. Not the elephant did not run away because of girls’ screaming J. We all sneaked in the vehicle behind his back. Anouk still had some battery power in her camera and the last photo is that elephant fellow. Happy end.

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