Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 15 - First day at St.John's Hospital

Today was my first day at St. John's Hospital. Principal Administrator Mrs. Charity Chimkono introduced me to the most of the stuff at the hospital. It will take some time to memorize all those nice and pleasant people. My counterpart should be William, nice young guy at the hospital. We are going to sit in the same room that previously belonged to the Principal Administrator. I received all financial reports the first day and have already started my assignment.
There are only some photos from outside of St. John's compound. I did not take any photos inside since I am new at the hospital and I cannot be intrusive around patients. Maybe later I can take some shots inside the hospital when everyone gets to know me.

Danas je bio moj prvi dan u bolnici Sv. Ivana. Glavni administrotr Gdja. Charity Chimkono me je upoznala sa vecinom osoblja. Naravno, trebati ce mi nekoliko dana dok zapamtim sva imena. Moj kolega s kojim cu najvise raditi je ugodan, mladi momak William. Sjediti cemo u istoj sobi koja je prije pripadala administratorici. Prvi dana posla sam primio sve financijske izvjestaje i zapoceo sam projekt.
Samo sam slikao par slika kompleksa Sv. Ivana. Slike u bolnici nisam pravio da ne uzmemiravam pacijente i ometam njihovu privatnost. Mozda malo kasnije kada me svi upoznaju.

St. John's complex (5 photos)

Ilala Crest Lodge (4 photos)

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