Monday, March 18, 2013

March 17 - Take it easy Sunday

This morning I went to downtown for a walk again, although this time from 8:00 to 10:00. After the walk I was checking my emails at the reception area, where I got better internet connection, and suddenly I got a visitor. Who knows me in Mzuzu? It was hospital administrator Charity who came to inform me that my room at the guesthouse was ready and cleaned. Ambulance driver came to pick me up around and at 1:00 PM I was at the new home. My American roommate was out and he left a nice welcoming message. Finally, I unpacked all my stuff and was able to organize a little bit.
In front of the house there is always a small and skinny dog that someone left at the door a few days ago. My new roommate James saved it with some food and water and now dog sleeps in front of the door all the time. It is not a guard dog; however it has a tendency to scare bigger dogs by barking. This dog is really skinny one (the picture follows). All dogs that I saw in Malawi appear to be of the same breed. The only difference is colour; some are brown and some are grey. They roam freely without a collar and leash. Sometimes these dogs could be even seen between hospital buildings. The dogs are not aggressive and if they bark they do so at each other. Another curiosity is that since I came to Malawi I have not seen a single cat. I even asked my hosts if cat existed in Malawi. They do! I still have to see one!
Yesterday I took it easy to recover from my sunburns, to rehydrate and to organize everything in the new house. In the late evening my new roommate James came back and we had a lot of talk. He is really nice and simple guy and he teaches Malawians about agriculture (what to do and how to do with plants and trees).
Jutros sam ponovno isao u setnju u centar grada ali ovaj put izmedju 8 i 10 sati ujutro. Poslije setnje sam provjeravao e-postu blizu recepcije, gdje je signal najbolji  te sam dobio iznenadnu posjetu. Tko mene zna u Malawiju? U posjetu je dosla Charity – Administratorica bolnice a dosla da me obavijesti da je moja soba u kuci za goste slobodna i ociscena. Vozac ambulantih kola je dosao po mene i oko jedan sat popodne sam bio u kucici. Moj americki cimer je bio odsutan, ali je ostavio poruku za dobrodoslicu. Napokon sam se potpuno raspakirao i bio sam u mogucnosti da se bolje organiziram.
Ispred kuce se uvijek nalazi mali mrsavi pas. Nikad u zivotu nisam vidio tako mrsavog psa. Netko ga je ostavio prije par dana te ga je moj cimer James ga spasio sa nesto hrane i vode. Sada kucic spava cijelo vrijeme pred vratima. Pasic je stvarno mrsav sto cete vidjeti na slici. Nije bas opsasn pas cuvar ali ima tendenciju da preplasi vece pse sa svojim lajanjem. Izlgeda da svi psi u Malawiju iste rase. Jedina razlika je u boji; neki su smedji a neki sivi. Lutaju slobodno okolo bez ogrlicei lanca, te ih mozete naci izmedju zgrada bonice. Psi nisu agresivni i jedino laju jedan na drugog. U svakom slucaju necu ih dirati da ne dobijem buhe. Jos nesto interesanto je da od kada sam stigao u Malawi nisam vidio ni jednu jedinu macku. Pitao sam kolege da li uopce imaju macke u Malawiju. Kazali su da imaju. Jos trebam vijdeti prvu macku!
Jucer je dan bio opustajuci da se oporavim od blagih opekotina, rehidriram i organziram sve u novom domu. James je stigao predvecer pas smo se dobro ispricali. Jednostavan je i ugodan a u Malawiju uci ljude o agrikulturi sto i kako da rade sa biljkama i drvecem.

Ilale Crest Lodge 1

Ilale Crest Lodge 2

Ilale Crest Lodge 3

Huge crow (they are size of a big chicken)

My new bedroom in the guesthouse at St. John's Hospital Complex

Skinny dog

Typical dog in Malawi (comes in two colours brown and grey)

I am small but feisty. Biggy get lost! This is my chicken bone!

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