Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 18 - Monday (Sorry, no photos today)

Monday at work was busy. I went through financial papers and finished a list of questions.
James has scheduled our dinner invitation tonight with his ex-roommates who still live in the neighborhood. I took a camera, although I forgot to take a single picture (maybe next time). We visited Colin and Jessica. Jessica trains nurses at the Nursing College and Colin rewrites Nursing College policy. They are both nice and pleasant. Jessica is from London and Colin is from Rochester, New York state. Colin and I were practically neighbors before. James cooked chicken first at our place because we had an oven and we took prepared chicken to the dinner party. There were many tasty side dishes too prepared by our hosts. For the dessert there were two kinds of fresh pineapples.
Last night I learned from Jessica, who is a professional nurse, why for the last two days I was sleepy so early and I was awake at 5:30 in the morning. I thought it was too much exposure to the sun. No, the cause was the altitude. Mzuzu is located at approx. 1,100 m above sea levels. Strangely enough it did not affect me immediately when I came to Mzuzu on Thursday afternoon. The symptoms are mild; I am sleepy early, feel a little bit tired despite a good sleep and would like to have a nap during the day like a cat. Another reason why I thought I felt like I did was a really hot sun. The temperature is in the range 25-30 C. Sun is always strong, even when is partially cloudy (I learned that quickly).  

Ponedjeljak na  poslu je bio prilicno guzvovit. Citao sam financijske papire i napisao sam dosta pitanja.
James je dogovorio poziv za veceru sa svojim bivsim cimerima, koji jos uvijek zive u susjedstvu. Uzeo sam kameru, ali sam je zaboravio upotrijebiti (drugi put). Vjerovatno zato sto sam bio tako gladan dok smo vecerali oko 8:15. Posjetili smo Colin i Jessicu. Jessica ttrenira medicinske sestre a Colin sastavlja nove documente za koledz za sestre. Oboje su veoma ugodno drustvo. Jessica je iz Londona a Colin iz Rochestera, drzava New York. Colin i ja smo bili prije susjedi s obzirom da se Toronto I Rochester nalaze na suprotnim stranama jezera Ontaria. James je prvo ispekao koku kod nas jer mi imamo pecicu i ispecenu kokos smo odnijeli na veceru. Nemamo auto ali smo isli samo u susjedstvu, a mala baterijica je bila prilicno korisna. Jeli smo i dosta ukusnih porpatnih jela a za desert smo imali dvije vrste ananasa.
Sinoc samo od Jessice  profesionalna medicinska setre naucio zast sam bio pospan veoma rano a budio sam se ujutro oko 5:30. Ja sam mislio da je to bilo zbog izlozenosti suncu. Ne, razlog je bila visina. Mzuzu se nalazi na oko 1100 nadmorske visine. Interesanto je da nista nisam osjecao kada sam stigao u Mzuzu u cetvrtak. Simptomi su blagiL rano mi se spava, osjecam se malo umoran i volio bih spavati tijekom dana poput macke. Jos jedan razlog zasto sam mislio da sam se osjecao kao sto sam se osjecao je bila vrucina. Temperatura se krece izmedju 25 i 30 C. Sunce je uvijek jako cak i kada je oblacno (sto sam naucio iz vlastitog iskustva).

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